EURCAD Bounce Incoming!

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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Yes! Collapse. Also study history, past country's before collapse had a false sense of well-being and growth of economy leading up to the point...

These are books art people !  With very little life experience !

Tesla at $400.00 I'm a buyer.

Unions should be scrapped. What a waste of money.

Someone pulled a George Soros on Luna.

I hope everything crashes and burns so i can start buying out.

Disappointed in your thread.  U should investigate the two wallets that crashed ust.  That was the reason for Luna to crash.

Love this guy. His company is the reason Russia is having so much trouble in Ukraine.

Push gold in cpi data let's go baby!!

I will not be buying much of anything but what I need to survive and save save save

Did anyone watch the entire ?

Crypto is a joke! Easy money ! Easy Loss!

So if you buy some at .03 cents current value, then you would get 20% return on the .03 price investment.

commerce educated) opinion, the most bubbly thing right now? S&P 500.OK I hate how their definition of a bubble is super unclear. Tulips were also a "thing", like lumber, and in 1600s Netherlands that was the DEFINITION of a bubble. So I'm going to take a stab at this definition - Supply chain causing shortage is f, bubbles exist on a scale. In my (not economicallynot a bubble, because demand has not gone up due to speculation. Seriously, who's going to speculate on lumber? Maybe a few individuals, but speculation itself is difficult to do, and everyone believed prices will come down. Housing right now is more of a bubble, because demand has gone up due to the pandemic, it's drawing investors, and creating a cycle of inflating prices. But Odyssey guy is right, there is a supply issue too. Prices going us is not a bubble, speculation and investors over-stretching due to FOMO creates a bubble. It's also not a boolean t

Democrats gonna tax the crap outta crypto.