EURCAD Bounce Incoming!

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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All you need to be added to the giveaway is make sure your cribed and then leave a comment to say youve cribed. Good luck to everyone

Very nice  brother thanks for sharing.

And he dare to launch $Luna 2.0. mf!

I see Bitcoin. I click on it. I know why MSNBC put that Bitcoin.

Inflation is caused by 3 things:  1)  increasing demand (the US has been constantly printing money, check) 2)  Supply shortages (US is in a trade war with China causing shortages, check) 3)  increasing business overhead costs (minimum wages, costs of material, and corporate taxes are increasing the costs of running a business, check)  As long as nothing is changed from the above then expect inflation to keep rising.

It's all going to pop, the next market crash is coming, the government keeps fudging the numbers on the reports they put out, the great resignation is growing out of ignorance of the sheeple and China and Russia are like mean kids with pins waiting to pop said balloons be it with cyber attacks, false information reports or all out war. I suggest people read the decline and fall of the Roman empire, it seems to be happening again.

warning fun u man three fun yes

Just goes to show you. You can graduate from Ivy League schools, work for big tech, create something big... and still be a f*ck up in the end.

People were calling his no remote work as him trying to get people to quit so he doesnt have to offer them severance. LOL...right on the money. Jesus this guy is scummy.

The economy is in transition from a 20th century to a 21st century economy. They are wanting to use 19th century tools to try and fix it

I have 1300 share of pltr so far. Imma keep buying for the next 5 years every payday

Seems like bubble will pop