EURCAD Bounce Incoming!

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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Do Kwon got so cocky that he literally challenged billionaires to attack Luna. br1. Never challenge the internet.br2. Never challenge the billionaires.

quot... You don#39t really know what that is, but your friend says, #39it#39s pretty much risk free#39.quot brbrThere#39s the whole problem right there. Do your own research. Learn about what you are investing in to the point where you actually understand it. And never invest money you don#39t have.

How quickly the tide turns, isn#39t it?

I have lost more than I should with algorithm stablecoins , for me, it´s a tech that is dead. Stablecoins are not a bad idea, but uniformly they have to be pegged.

what a goodball- with world energy super expensive this could be the chance to build electric cars like crazy and fill his backlog and demand - instead he cripples his own company just as he should be growing.

I think the obvious reason Musk is scarred is that he personally is now hugely overleveraged.  His Tesla stake is now collateral for the stupid bid for twitter.  Both companies might continue to be profitable while he could be wiped out by a simple little market selloff.

To be honest, I#39ve never managed to wrap my head around American economicsbrbrFrom the FIAT currency to highly inflated startup valuations and crypto. brbrTo a layman like me, it all seems like people create money out of thin air, bank on the hype then jump ship when the house of cards comes crashing down on them

You chose to run this news story for a reason . And it's not for Tesla's benefit. I have a feeling it's because of his politics. Gfym

Essentially a stable coin Ponzi scheme.

6.2%  lol.  More like 20%

In the past when inflation would rise the feds would raise interest rates. Why don't the feds raise interest rates? Could it be the feds don't want to pay more interest on 29trillion of debt? The feds have dug a hole they can't climb out of. Now the people are stuck paying higher prices.

Wow incredible visionary

No person is above the law Garland, do your job!  Listen to former DOJ Eric Holder, you can and need to prosecute Trump.

Tesla has no battery's that's there real problem.