EURCAD Bounce Incoming!

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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Yes congress just need to come out with a law defining what a digital asset is and then wont have the deal with the SEC who is only after one thing their pockets to full but hid it through strict regulation

2:42:05 - 2:42:26   D#######%n Mr. Lawson!!!! We was doin SO Good!! ‍️‍️‍️‍️

It won't be stopped until we get more Volcker and less Powell.

GME reached $ 483 not 347, why you can't make a  or a news not even once without getting something wrong

You voted into office a 78 year old with dementia and you are surprised America he is incompetent?

Elon Musk is the next Elizabeth Holmes...........

What if these actors were US governance who planned this attack to show how crypto is unstable.

All the traditional banks laughing and pointing fingers

7:56 Ah hints of the psychopathic economic view that unemployment is desired. That it's a policy tool to control inflation.

 never had so many viewers with this wild exciting political discussion

ford, gm, volkwagon, porche , mecrecedes all increasing investments in evs and increasing head counts. elon musk reduction of head counts sound fishy and indicate tough environement of him being the richest on the planet. now this idiot will have to revoerse his policy if head count......

Good to see discussion of Financial inclusion.    Unfortunately, this group reflects an industry that excludes the Black and Brown community as companies, investors, or other participation.  The lack of access to capital and the exclusion that exists in banking needs to be addressed in Digital assets to solve this issue.

The funny thing is UST had the same exact architecture as the failed TitanIron Finance which Cuban lost so much money on. I#39ve been warning folks for months that the same would happen to Luna, but nobody wants to hear that their investment is doomed to fail, that the doom is coded in.

Feds goals of price stability and full employment are contradictory. Expansionary monetary policy impacts asset prices more than the labor market.

Yes. Buy you have to END THE FED first