EURCAD Bounce Incoming!

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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amp South Korea Gov trying to protect him from court. Corruption involved

There is no recovery coming  until Bankers are willing to pay to hold our money , real interest rates without printing more money it happens in a flash crash it happens in a flash. 25 bases points  a month until we reach 5%  would do wonders !  Just sayin

It was NO crash but a clever scam he did. Do Kown when he talks he talks so fast amp scammers do that so you can#39t pick up loopholes etc. He needs to go to jail but seeing he is from South Korea he will get away.

Do Kwon, hoist with his own petard. It's unfortunate that the average folk got hurt here. I still however look forward to the day this fate becomes the entire crypto market and the technology can be reutilized in a way that doesn't harm the environment and that all 7 billion people on the planet can benefit from it in some way. Instead of it being some first world tech bro exploitation of late stage capitalism.

How favourable is the market now. I want to invest in cryptocurrency


 and alteryx basically are the same company

Funny how Trumplicans believe inflation can be stopped by anyone. Inflation never stops. Even during your 'greatest' president Trump's presidency, inflation happened every year. It happens in each and every country in the world. Gas, food, rent, taxes, everything goes up every year. There is nothing you can do to stop it. And to those that believe gas will go down to $1 a gallon if you vote for a Republican, you are a big f00l. Oil-reserves are estimated to run out by 2040 meaning there will be no more gas or oil. Oil does not reproduce or grow on trees. Hence why you Trumplicans need to quit opposing the development of future and alternate energy because its not an agenda or a greedy-ploy, its merely your people's (Republican's) point of conservative mentality resisting change and innovation to meet demands. No wonder every business Republicans touch go bankrupt like the American's big 3 automakers that were bailed by the Democrats under strict conditions of changing their engineers and management to develop new products and compete. When they were managed by the Republicans, they were literally making the same cars over and over and nobody was buying them. Imports like Japanese and Europeans left them to dust. Poor Republican conservatism that belongs to the old age. Good job Trumper bois.

Just not same game bro.

hour.If wages actually raised with productivity; the minimum wage would be upwards of +$20

How is it that CEO's can keep sending their own pay to the moon isn't brought up when talking of price increases, but paying a living wage to employees will cause inflation and the end of the economy?

Tesla has no battery's that's there real problem.

Who has a good feeling about the economy these past 3 years?

Gross. Your comments are so filled with bots.brIf you viewers are so specifically targeted by these, it does raise some questions.

promised to hold Trump insurrectionists accountable, but he has not done so for the insurrection leaders and he is not cooperating with all other justice departments.