EURCAD Bounce Incoming!

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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$BTC the inflation hedge

Is this person right to think graduate degrees give more skills? I thought working in the job did that.

As Peter Schiff would say, you cannot put the inflation genie back into the lamp.

thread on Charles hoskinson and cardano donation...Ada coin? Please?

my god would you even explain how the short squeezes came to be and more importantly WHY it was possible you greedy bunch - you guys are media terrorists this is not information

Can this stupid billionaire bad boy just go retire or resign as CEO

Despite the economic crisis, I#39m so happy I#39ve been earning $60,000 returns from my $10,000 investment every 21days.

 spacex is.I think Elon is looking for an excuse to lay off employees he thinks are not productive enough.  He doesn't want out right say he's laying off subpar employees, because that would ruin the image of how great of an employer Tesla

Santoshi nakatomo told us this, "that's why support bitcoin"

I am surprised at what a good report this is.

Future of the job market is going to require nothing less of a graduate degree? Plunge the future generations into more debt? Especially with student loans..GTFO. Ill just be a plumber and charge $80 an hour as a start.

He doesn't watch the stock price because he dilutes it to pay himself constantly.   His only go to marketing strategy is unrealistic fear mongering.  This clown lacks vision and no one even knows what his company makes.   can't even articulate what his company does to provide value.  No one should be investing in this company period.

What changed in 3 days. Now your saying the economy is great. Lmfao  State ran media.... its funny how after meeting with bidens white house and they told you to stop talking negative about the economy.  We know the Economy is crashing. How do we know? We see it in everyday life. Unlike you guys we actually live in the real world trying to get by.  While the rich can sit back.

if this company doesn't get bought out, and if we have a recession, it will more than likely go to zero...