EURCAD Bounce Incoming!

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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bruh btcs value isnt from its utility. its a modern immutable store of value

How can the pace of recovery be any slower?  Poverty is increasing with inflation.

bruh btcs value isnt from its utility. its a modern immutable store of value

yr50 should lvl out b4 we make another run. Housing is also related to money printing, if you put 50% more money in the hands of the public obviously house prices will adjust to that... this ones just not in a bubble at all, will likily keep rising 5-10%so if gme went from 2 bucks to over 300 i have no problem with a 50% correction, it is in fact not in a bubble as its shorted 120% again (yes its not worth the current price but the shorts will have to cover)... id rather make a 200% gain and watch it lose 50% than a 30% gain on the year. btc movement is directly related to the dilution of currencies globally, it's been overleveraged by longs and the recent correction was those folks getting liquidated, once its closer to 50

It would seem that the lessons learned from the Great Crash of Wall Street in 1929 have been largely forgotten.

So that's one dangerous way to raise wages.... it'll be interesting to see how this plays out

Of networks like this reported the truth and facts instead of covering for the clowns in this administration then it could be stopped.

Great Stuff. I started watching your threads last year as a beginner before giving stock market a trial. I was able to make $972,000 within 3 Months with a capital of $200,000. keep it up!

4:04:30 You bring up coal being used for bitcoin mining yet you address bitcoin mining. Bitcoin runs on electricity. Not coal. Further, the bitcoin block difficulty scales with the network's hash-rate. That is to say it doesn't even need to use a ton of electricity. It only does so because people are greedy. People are also lazy, and so yes, they use coal. Wanna fix it? Tax the hell out of coal. Please. Full support. Increasing carbon taxes is a great idea. Changing the consensus mechanism of Bitcoin? Likely not even possible. Also! Have you heard of Klima DAO? :) Pretty cooooool.

A lot of people in Europe and other parts of the world are kind of tired of having everything tied to the US dollar.  Because the US will print out a bunch of money to get themselves out of trouble. Normally this should only cause inflation at home, but since everything is tied to the US dollar, the rest of the world has to suffer as well.  So basically, your bankers can create any type of crisis (like we saw) but no problem, the Fed is gonna bail them out. Isn't that kind of similar to what's going on in other regimes like for example China?...

Erm heres the part where someone says  xrp to the mooon!

PLTR stock performance has been absolutely abysmal compared to other speculative stocks.  We shouldn't be listening to this Crap. I mean .

More than a paralegal in India, there is much better NLP and AI tools available to a lawyer now. I collaborated briefly with a CEO of a law tech startup who had degrees in law and CS, and people are developing much better search engines for lawyers. This doesnt mean no paralegals but it means when a paralegal retires or leaves the company, you may not need a replacement. A paralegal itself can do jobs of 2-3 paralegals because searching for relevant things are much easier than looking up physical books.   The AI is not perfect but just like with vaccines where it can help focus on some candidate vaccines instead of whole gamut, a legal ML tool will easily go over the the stuff.   The point is people often blame job loss due to job migration but jobs are reducing primarily because there is a revolution of tech. People dont understand that the AI revolution is as big as the industrial revolution.   She is right people may need grad degrees in some fields. In others, if you are a smart coder in high school, you may not even need a degree. Again for most people, college is useful especially in future. But if someone is exceptionally motivated to learn on their own, they can probably manage without one - I.e. in the right field.