EURCAD Bounce Incoming!

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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What are you doing god man turkısh trader

Hexo guarantees full patched membership and cartels money laundering services. Do the homework.true

There is one born every minute, lol, every second nowadays... Any smart person would see the scam

first time? here in argentina we have 52% we had like 2000% inflation accumulated in 20 years

 generations are attracted to different fields and positions.  I don't really care about skin color as much as Americans. I'd rather a team of passionate individuals of any group as long as their goals are genuine, good vaules and going to improve lives. MK did say" I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
 Now all some people look at is on the outside when it's the inside that should count.culturesLittle weird to me this diversity priority. I bought Polygon a crypto which was founded by a team in India. 92 % of software developers are male and to focus so much on diversity seems problematic.  I dunno why when left to their own choices that different genders

_Can the USA stop printing money?_  There, I fixed your title.

Oil prices are up because of high demand and low supply (under Trump many US drilling sites shutdown) Higher oil prices are pushing prices in any every sectors.

What about the Israeli government??

it#39s funny how youtube auto-translate Terra as Terror

watch?v=3KZY41SqaTIampt=9m05s9:05a classic douchebag

I have a friend who has a childhood best friend who was bullied in school by this dude, he was generally a shitty person because they came from a well off family and got away with some much bs. I#39ve heard that the childhood friend was pleasantly bnotb surprised with how karma kicked this dude so hard. of course this is all word of mouth but I#39m going to safely assume this dude is all around a horrible person.

Holy Moly Gamestop!   If I had a 1,912% increase in my subscribers in less than 30 days, I'd go from 600 to 12,072!

If you don't have a super bad feeling about the economy you aren't paying attention.odds are he is correct.

Only a fool would dismiss Elon Musk