Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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Elon needs to get mental help

Buy NIO now. This EV manufacturer is going to build an assembly facility in the US. Get in now! Semper Fi

wow this dude is arrogant, isn't he? makes me concerned as a shareholder lol

Definitely NOT a 2008 crisis or related to Lehman Brothers as Terra and Luna and Do Kwon is literally a Ponzi scheme! High returns, manipulation, and getting more users is what a Ponzi scheme is.

His vague explanation of how he's "doing so much" without ever giving specific details reminds me of an elementary school kid telling his teacher the dog ate the homework, "but it was the best essay ever I swear".   Sure it was , everything smells like BS because it's all BS.

You can stop the inflation by doimg a world order no one will increase price any kind of product on the market as in all no one can tell fhey short there profit imagine if u didnt put attention on this problem on the year 2300 the one brand new car is worth 1million the years come by the price of all producr will be increasing non stop the value of the money will become worthless.all the business are takimg all there looses on there customer look the slow moving items example they can get 5$ they will sell it for 40$ to cover there ass for the slow days and for no sales on this particular day they all took from the customer why they didnt find ways on thete own way or you can put price what ever u want it if they put law on pricing like 10% of the total value of there product if 50$ it will become 60$ on any kind of product from food to vehicle all the same percentage example on vehicle 12k the 10:% is 1,200 thats the dealership they will get

At least Sherman called out con-base ha ha.

Elon just released his inner Jack Welch. Great move. Welch believed in an annual 10% purge to cull the weak hires.

Lol it not a bubble when people are all in the game instead of just the wall street guy BUT IT WALL STREET BETS   DOGECOIN AND CROCOIN

Can not stop bcoz u still print money to wall street and create more wealth gap. Delay to increase interest to help big tech cos. DONT LIE TO ME AND US PPL.

This is price gauging, not inflation. This is an issue supply and demand.  Supply changes are always difficult to master and it is hard to meet the demand.

ltLately, it's been so rough for me trading on my own because I have had so much losses. I use to trade so well using Demo. I think the real market is manipulated. Please, can anyone help me out or tell me what I'm doing wrong.

That#39s what you get from listening to a Dork. I just listened on Buffet#39s warning

Does anyone know what are the 3 crypto companies shes talking about in 9:13? She said they got approved by the OCC