Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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Stop f***ing printing money. The more money is printed, the less valuable the money in circulation is going to be resulting in Inflation. Classic examples are Venezuela, Zimbabwe.

I lost $7500 and gained 1,170,000 Luna . I just want Luna to go to 10c

legal reasons'  He is going to blame the economy and use that as the AXE to slice these employees.Its because 10%+ don't want to show up in office for work.  So instead of firing them so they can sue for 'health

Not one mention of the Fed's balance sheet or total money supply

STOP DEFICIT FEDERAL SPENDING!!!! Create A balanced Federal budget!!

Ive never listened to one of these. But I especially enjoyed this one as I understand how important crypto will be for our future. Happy these talks are happening so intelligently.

cut your credit cards, stop using your stupid phone and these guys will wither....we are run by criminals and biden is a criminal, just like all these presidents are.  and it will continue.  Ignorance is not bliss.

These are books art people !  With very little life experience !

Dude from California seemed very ignorant

7:56 Ah hints of the psychopathic economic view that unemployment is desired. That it's a policy tool to control inflation.

Cancel the Fed Infrastructure bill entirely , highway can be toll roads some already are,  let the State manage there own bridges and road like it was originally suppose to be handled.

could not buy ethbear today at ftx, why is that i wonder?

 newbies who lack understanding on how trading Bitcoin works, to help them recover loss from the crash and also accumulate more bitcoin, with his program i went from having 3.8BTC to 12.8BTC in just 5 weeks.<You can reach him on TE LE GRAM >>>> @LeonCalvintrade.<<There's no doubt in my mind that we are not only going bull, but BTC is going nuclear. A lot of people are wondering if now is a good time to buy because of where the price is at right now. I'd say it's outrightly wrong to just sit back hodl and wait maybe incur some losses along the line, that's a wrong mindset for an investor because as an investor finding ways to always increase and stack up more coins thereby making profiTs should be the way of lifeThat being said, the market is still all about BTC at the moment and I'll advise current investors and newbies to take advantage of Leon Calvin program, a pro trader who runs a training program for investors

Keeping him as C.E.O. is dangerous for investors.