Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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he year 2020 when FED printed about 30% of the money supply of 2019 and now it is floating into the economy. This inflation is the price for saving of US economy in 2020 and a couple years of higher inflation is definitively better than another economic crisis.    The problem for FED is that they can not solve it, because the problem is not caused by something they are doing now, but something they did a year ago.

How favourable is the market now. I want to invest in cryptocurrency

Hertz is literally on Tesla's website smashing that buy button 100k times because Tesla doesn't give a damn about their order due to ridiculously high demand.

 making some bold promises.

anti trust   would show that the so called  inflation is a lie. its corp price gouging  .

Instead of sending tweets that destroy the market perhaps Elon should get some sleep

Can it be stopped? Not until a senile old man quits printing money.

Garlands plan is to wait out the clock so he can say, oh we just couldn't get to it in time.rrr

power to set and adjust prices..In order to beat really have to own stocks in companies that have the market dominance

when are men going to stand up and take back..

We definitely need term limits for these ol heads.

Cry me a river.  The world richest man should be paying more.

"What do you want? I guy with four arms?" *Automation intensifies*

If demand is falling   Elon said thats when they can focus more on Semi and Cyber.  Hope he dont lied about that