Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:51 PM

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I have a friend who has a childhood best friend who was bullied in school by this dude, he was generally a shitty person because they came from a well off family and got away with some much bs. I#39ve heard that the childhood friend was pleasantly bnotb surprised with how karma kicked this dude so hard. of course this is all word of mouth but I#39m going to safely assume this dude is all around a horrible person.


Thank you for covering this.

The economy is in transition from a 20th century to a 21st century economy. They are wanting to use 19th century tools to try and fix it

This  did not answer the question....smh

Stop massive gov spending.  Allow pipelines to open up.  Stop the lockdowns

Great information!  Thank you for this thread. And no I will not trust in stable coins again after this disaster.

Tesla at $400.00 I'm a buyer.

Musk runs a company and his only obligation is to cater to shareholders, you can't put that with running a country in one basket.

The inflation, Afghanistan, forever Covid, supply chain issues, Ukraine, Iran again enriching uranium and more are attributable to the global chaos Trump unleashed.

There's too much debt in the system. There's needs to be growth to outpace debt obligations. Any deflation is an instant calamity that halts the economy. Boomers need their asset values to retire. Younger generations need to accumulate assets with labour and productivity.

And he dare to launch $Luna 2.0. mf!

"All security analyst fooling the public with praising some stock using bright project statement but actually praising trash"br  -The intelligent investor

Kind of reminiscent of another Stanford attendee and Theranos. I am beginning to wonder whether they had some kind of quotentrepreneursquot club on campus like quotThe Billionaire Boys Clubquot of Los Angeles.