Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:50 PM

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How can I download this platform ? What is it called ?

U are great guy, I never missed one of any of your s

He sounds like a shi fu. Always listen carfully. This guide is a must for beginners. Mentor: "Lets do this shall we?" Me: "Yes please!"

Do you have a  that goes over searching for a stock to trade with his method? So initially expand the search to see a trend and if you see something that matches your requirements then zoom in to the one day one minute and then search for candlesticks to find an entry point in an area of value?

Is it also possible to neglect the trend with the stock trading and buy at the lowest price and then wait until it takes it gain?

The most easily explained trading strategy. Thank you for these free contents! It helps greatly.

I'm a beginner...I will need to watch this over and over's like bringing a bat to a pillow fight....very informative...

You just explained candlestick charts so easily. Thank you for this !

Hi , just wondering if you might have a linked account. It would be a good motivator to see actual verified results

Amazing , very grateful that you share all this knowledge with us man! Highly appreciated!