Forex Today: Dollar advances in quiet trading

Started by OZER, Dec 29, 2021, 10:56 PM

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This is the guy that predicted SPY 480 by year end just last week. He just a blind guy throwing darts

0:02 all that money and you can't get someone to level that tv on the left to fix that gap? this looks like some rs bedroom, not a professional tv set.

If you have any savings they should be in a deflationary asset like etherium that also has amazing growth and utility and a blindingly bright future outlook.

"Need a degree" ha! If I can show I can do the job I expect that job. Not someone who needs a class to be inspired to learn the job.

Something is going on in the world  and dealing with the sells of idea

Shocks are all about future I think. If you wait until the company is earning a fair amount of moeny or mature, there won't be a fair price either. So some companies that is not earning very much now or even with minus earning could seem very expensive. But that doesn't mean it's in a bubble.  You take your bet or prediction about company's furture and you earn or loss. Not some value finding which is nearly impossible i think because i think the market is kind of effictive so why should you find something that is highly undervalued?

It will just be an easier way for ilicit transactions to take place..... Then the feds will not tracked all that money because they dont care.....

From the clip: There is no way the Fed can help and it will all depend on Congress.  Me: Alrighty, time to die.

I can't understand the mandate for the federal reserve is supposed to be stability when they are the ones to cause even more unstable events. They should only ever control the money supply based on the population and not by natural disasters and now we're seeing the product of that happening. People always seem to blame companies first for a lot of the issues at hand whenever we have a crisis arise but don't understand who were the ones to start it and continue to produce more of them. Interest rates should be at least a couple of percentage points higher because these low interest rates are providing an incentive to just borrow freely without any repercussions.   I can see why bitcoin was created to challenge the stupidity of the monetary system but again it's filled with corruption and flawed with the same issue with everyone trying to play mind games with the public to make it seem like it's a fair game. I truly think the best way to get a good money system in place that is based on merit and genuine work is by utilizing the blockchain concepts to monitor for fairness in all transactions instead of just making them public. Something that denies out weighted transactions and promotes balance and stability over the toxic growth mindset beyond everything mentality.

Housing bubble is dangerous, it will destroy every bubbles