Crypto assets inspire new brand of collectivism beyond finance

Started by OZER, Dec 29, 2021, 10:51 PM

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aria Jones is legit and her method works like magic I keep on earning every single week with her new strategy

Why the Tesla Logo in the thumbnail?? Tesla isn't a bubble im so so sorry .  Yesterday Wallstreet increased the price to 1580 dollars

Yes, They can. Just chant Lets Go Brandon till you finally get what it means.

Biden just renominated Powell and extended the student loan payment out to may (again). The feds say 1 thing but do another. Raise interest rates ? I'll believe it when I see it. Biden pushing his tax increases down our throats in 2022, who knows how that will effect us ?

Lol these "already popped" meme stocks are still 10x higher than a year ago

 "Furthermore, the mass lockout in the world due to Corona has made the major countries know that the global warming did not happen because of factories but because of another reason which they hide from the world, and I know that they are guessing blindly that there is a planet approaching the Earth even though they have not seen it directly due to its different colours; to illustrate, white like the sun, red, and black so how are they going to see a planet that is covered with fire that is darker than a new moon, can you see a new moon despite its closeness to the Earth? It is the same case for planet Saqar when it is covered with intense black fire. But they will know ashow*thread.php?p=362934  Qvi343bout its coming from scientific theories through its effect on all the planets of the solar system, the sun, and the moon. And the sun has caught up with the moon due to the approach of Planet Saqar, so the full moon occurs ahead of its time before the night of the middle of the lunar month as a repetitive warning in the sky of humans but did not cause them any remembrance Moreover, consecutive climatic disasters are going to befall you and I do not think that it will cause you any remembrance as those fools who do not reason, tww*w.mahdialumma.n*ethink, nor believe but what NASA announced, ignoring what Allah's caliph Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani has stated of news that are the truest Words of Allah Lord of the worlds, but NASA and others hide this truth from the worlds and NASA the so-called protector of planet Earth from the dangers of the meteors of planetoids will not benefit you, and I swear by Allah they could not protect themselves from the Planetoid of the first Rajefah (quake). Indeed, Allah will target with the Planetoid of torment the United States of America and they would not be able to protect themselves and it will strike in the speed of light in the land behind the Atlantic Ocean in the USA, in line with the Word of Allah the Exalted: {And Our command is but one, like a glance of the eye. (50) And We have already destroyed your kinds, so is there any who will remember? (51) Al-Qamar -Chapter: 54 -Verses: 50-51" Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yamani 08 - Rabi Awwal - 1443 AH 14 - October - 2021 AD 08:58 am (According to the official time of [Mecca] Mother of towns) ______________________   htt*ps:

DBA has so much in store and you don't want to miss out on huge opportunities. To the moon  #DBA

Money printing, a population of consumers, minimal production, and a president whos in bed with China. And that is the recipe for collapse. Citizens of the US got played like a fiddle.

The 10 year is depressed because the Fed is buying enormous amounts of government debt.

$Super ..SuperFarm (20x) NFT +Gaming and soon Metaverse.. Ellio is the Founder

Money is not an issue that everyone has for a better and luxurious life, life was hard for me until I started bitcoin investment and now I'm earning $9,500 per week

Artificial Intelligence Stocks Seeing GROWTH... XDSL... VSBGF... FOBIF.. New Acquisitions, New Contracts, Increasing Revenue.