S&P Failed Breakthough

Started by OZER, Dec 27, 2021, 01:36 AM

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What software is being used for the analysis?

Is it best to look at the 38.2 pattern with the daily chart bro ?

This  is really a nice one. But cryptocurrency trading requires the help of an expert for guidance and direction while trading so you can as well learn on the process. Skylar Bennet handles my trades and i'm really proud of my financial status right now because of her. she's really reliable and trustworthy.

thanks this helps a lot

this is by far one of your best s.

That for the help brother   May God repay you for your efforts to help us with low funds   

You earned the right to wear that Superman shirt with this !! Thanks for posting it, bro!

Ton of scammers with similar name to this  commenting here. Please stay safe guys.