MATIC/USDT : Some similarities with Ethereum from 2017 !

Started by OZER, Dec 27, 2021, 01:32 AM

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This is quite impressive but yet, it's a huge gamble. Look at oil prices. You can apply literally everything mentioned in this  and go absolutely bankrupt.

i loss huge amount in FBS trading without knowledge what is secret of buying and selling moment please help me and guide me

Such an awesome ️. Everything you give is priceless. Could you do a  on ichimoku cloud and Bollinger Bands.

Thanks you so much man outstanding explanation

To anyone reading this, remember Rome wasn't built in a day. your hard work will pay off

In the 38.2% candle example there are 2 other candles that don't seem to fit your rule? Am I missing something?

Such an awesome ️. Everything you give is priceless. Could you do a  on ichimoku cloud and Bollinger Bands.

Its funny BULLS and BEARS Chicagos Basketball and Football teams

Venturing into the trading world without the help of a professional trader and expecting profits is like turning water into wine, you would need a miracle, that's why i trade with Christi lily, her skills set is exceptional..