EURUSD | The best entry point to sell🎯

Started by OZER, Dec 27, 2021, 01:26 AM

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This was a huge help for me after 4 years in the market barely earning anything. Thank you so much!

Does this guide work for stocks too?

You are a pure genius Ryan I've been using technical analysis on my 1D n 4h time frames and everything you said makes so much with even more helpful information that cut risks. Sending love all the way from South Africa. Thank you

99.9% of you are going to lose money soon

All you need to be added to the giveaway is make sure your cribed and then leave a comment to say youve cribed. Good luck to everyone

Man you are gold, God has made you a great man through your efforts, and I can give all that I have to be in your mentorship and life signal group, but I have nothing to give except to comment, like and watch.

another informative  - I need to actually follow your courses from bottom up - but sometimes it makes more sense for me to absorb as much as i can from a higher level, then start low and then I realize why the concepts I am learning are important.

Your tutorial are really divine bro. You are too good

Yes, it was terrific!  I learned a bunch - very clear and organized materials.

So this is the patterns from what the week? or couple days before? how does this affect how the stock is going to do tomorrow?

My life are like colorful flowers in a beautiful garden. Thank you⬆️ for making my life colorful!!!

Hey hey , my friend, this is awesome. This  is behaving  like like a physics teacher.thumbs up. ,