Cardano, Polkadot Advance as Crypto Market Rallies Ahead of Christmas

Started by OZER, Dec 24, 2021, 09:04 PM

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Wow ya'll Got this Wrong ,  We Getting some money to hold and Pay Tax, Shop, and Put into Cash  .  What is Omicron  ?   not Gold

REMOVE THE CELL PHONES FROM CONGRESS MEMBERS. As a collective employer  we should require their utmost attention.

Inflation was always there, it was just hidden with low cost goods.  Try comparing a Lawnmower from the 70s that was proudly made in America to one that is created today made cheaply in China. The older Lawn mower is built to last where as the one made today would break in a couple of years (by design so customer has to buy a new one).  This is how China has become a super power because to hide inflation the super rich in democratic countries in the world, outsourced labor to China to make cheaper goods.  It is all so the super rich dont have to pay much for workers.  Keep goods and services cost low, keep pay low, keep taxes low. If anything disrupts this mantra, it would result in less money for the super rich.  Now that China has become so powerful that they can now start charging more for their goods, it means the super rich of the democratic countries that used China for cheap labor has no choice but to pass the cost on to their working class.  Its also the reason for the trade war with China, and moving cheap labor to South East Asia, war torn countries like Pakistan, or slave like labor (Blood Diamond like operations) in Africa.     Inflation exists because of greed.  Greed is not going anywhere.

Crypto keeps fluctuating, causing a lot of loss, What's the best way to make money from crypto trading?

Monetary inflation is just the government helping the rich at the expense of the poor.

This was fantastic. Much higher quality discussion than I expected. Thanks to all involved.

Hey ... why don't you ask  about all the stuff he's been wrong about during Q4 alone? When the establishment says up, expect markets to go down. Not buying the jive.

As a landlord with multiple fixed rates mortgages, I really, really like inflation.

 has got to be one of the last remaining mainstream news outlets that does actual reporting. This is a great article, good job !