Started by OZER, Dec 24, 2021, 09:02 PM

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1:48 except those things are not included in inflation calculations, lol.

Theres not a thing  could say that would get me to buy or sell. Hes paid to be bullish. Every year.

How many times can one guy get his predictions wrong  in a single calendar year? : just keep buying. Lol

Seriously every time  has been on  he's been screaming Bitcoin to 100k, anyone who follows him knows exactly what im talking about. Not one person gonna call him on that. I stopped following people who cant admit when they're wrong or answer every question with "Uh, well, or um"... run all his interviews back and you'll see it too

To be clear the Federal Reserve is not federal and has no reserve. They are only here to rob the american people of the value they have created.

The biggest problem I see ,most of us have relied on the good old government.Just what they want. Slavespeople growing their own food are way ahead of the curve. What do we expect..wa wa wa

The bubble will pop for the ones that are being disrupted. To compare Tesla as a meme stock means you guys have no idea what you are posting. Lets save my post and check back in 10 years. Time will tell.