Forex reserves decline by $160 million to $635.67 billion

Started by OZER, Dec 24, 2021, 09:00 PM

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So.... Inflation has nothing to do with the fact that we printed 40% of all US dollars in the last year? Interesting.

aria Jones is legit and her method works like magic I keep on earning every single week with her new strategy

GME reached $ 483 not 347, why you can't make a  or a news not even once without getting something wrong

Excellent forum, crypto is moving in the right direction.  Buying the dip again today.

Santoshi nakatomo told us this, "that's why support bitcoin"

Santoshi nakatomo told us this, "that's why support bitcoin"

They keep printing money so that the inflation will skyrocket. That is the best tax to common people.

 world  Governmental debt and out of control money printingThis article is flawed inflation is caused in a large part by excessive money printing. They did not even mention this among the causes that have led to this wave of inflation. In fact there are multiple causes of inflation that are all made worse by the national

When reality hits you in the face. Markets are flat in 2022. Allocate to fixed income.

I agree with my, Omicron will take at minimum three months - then we'll see earnings fall - that's when you buy the dip.

"Five Signs That Apple Is A Bubble - Forbes"  - April 23, 2012