Argo Blockchain among most traded stocks by Fidelity customers

Started by OZER, Dec 24, 2021, 08:54 PM

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Hows that Tariffs working out for ya? Trade wars are easy to win huh? :)

 not have any significant consequences to inflation, deposit rates do. There is a simple connection between them,  interest rates always have to be higher than deposit rates. So what they actually want to say is: FED should increase deposit rates, which would also lead to an increase in interest rates. (they probably does not know it, they only heard somewhere that interest rates are good against inflation and now they are repeating it like idiots)  2. Deposit rates are yields that commercial banks get out of money they put into FED deposit. 

US Government needs to look into CZ from Binance for fraud

Really nothing new has been said here. Is there a risk of overvaluation in the market? Then, diversify your positions. That's investing 101.

The Federal Reserves needs to stop printing money for the private and public sector for a whole year. Then have a Interest rate of 1% for the next year.  This will force the federal government to raise corporate tax from 21% to 50%. Close corporate tax loop holes and tax breaks.   To still insetive investment the federal government needs to abolish the capital gains tax and replace it with a 3% wealth tax on anyone who has 10 million dollars or more in stocks, bonds, precious metals, foreign and domestic currencies.  The Federal government will have double the pay roll tax. Abolish income tax for anyone making less than one hundred thousand dollars a year. While having a 50% income tax on anyone who makes a million dollars or more with no tax breaks.  The Federal government needs to abolish the federal fuel tax and replace it with a progressive land added tax.

So that's one dangerous way to raise wages.... it'll be interesting to see how this plays out

It really gets me when these commentators get on here in defense of the Fed the reason I am saying this the FED does not have any dummies on it staff what I am saying here the Fed was not late on any of the financial crisis has they let it happen like it or love it it's the truth