Argo Blockchain among most traded stocks by Fidelity customers

Started by OZER, Dec 24, 2021, 08:54 PM

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Except when you look at the altered numbered used to compile official inflation stats, it's much worse than they're letting on.

Nice how Cramer used "breaks" instead of "brakes."

ALPP... Alpine 4 Holdings.. NOW 13 companies in 1 ..U.S. Manufacturing Conglomerate. Up 77 % year.

I dont think Tesla is a bubble. I think people are still not understanding just how fast theyre moving. Berlin and Austin arent even online yet. Their margins are amazing. They have so much more room to grow when it comes to market cap.

 under-employment, it became very clear that a young man's best opportunities were in military service.I graduated high-school in 1973.  I took very literally the advise given Dustin Hoffman in the movie 'The Graduate'... PLASTICS!  Executive wage-and-price controls were in effect under the Nixon-Ford Administrations, then shortly after the Carter Administration very morally granted our old friend Shah Reza Pallavi a visa for treatment of terminal cancer -  the OPEC embargoed oil exports to the United States, which essentially hobbled our domestic plastics industry.  After two years of unemployment

Food and Energy are the MOST important spend. Need to get places and need to EAT. I dont have to buy a new iPhone.

I want hyper inflation, want to pay off my house ASAP

The hate that all the media such as , ABC and others have on testa seriously

Damn all those old people will never try to understand crypto. Need to pass term limits to keep old people out and fresh minds in.

when  ever turns bearish, I'm selling everything and short the hell out of the marketIf

It's not  crisis for the rich.....    why would the government want to stop it ?