Argo Blockchain among most traded stocks by Fidelity customers

Started by OZER, Dec 24, 2021, 08:54 PM

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Youve got  on and dont ask him about Bitcoin and crypto?  Criminal!  I mean, I know hes gonna say Bitcoins going to 3X, but you still gotta ask!

share!I can see mainstream media paintings Tesla as "3xp3ns1ve" but.....long term, 10 years: Tesla to $30k

Congress has outsourced it's responsibility to the FED.   They wants to abrogate their responsibility of making difficult but necessary decisions.    Balancing Taxes vs Spending isn't needed when you can print money out of thin air.

if the economy was hot they would get the ships unloaded

stupid take, the oil price has dropped, it should hult it a little. we can take a page from athens, just produce too much oil

Biden just renominated Powell and extended the student loan payment out to may (again). The feds say 1 thing but do another. Raise interest rates ? I'll believe it when I see it. Biden pushing his tax increases down our throats in 2022, who knows how that will effect us ?

Powell did the biggest blunder in recent history of monetary policy. Lagarde is worse but it's not a blunder in her case, it's intentional. Madam Inflation wants high inflation in the eurozone. Buy a car today because next year you'll pay 50% more. Lots of printing + lots of savings + pent up demand + supply shortages + investors hedging against inflation = there's no stopping in prices now. Germany planning to increase minimum wage by 25%.

No they want us to have no choice but buy stocks n inflate there assets cuz we got not choice

Having Tesla in the thumbnail always helps with audience engagement lol

This whole "transitory" BS is ridiculous. Once the prices of cars, rents, or food go up they never go back down and when they rise faster than wages it hurts the poor and those on fixed incomes the most.

Goes to show you that the Fed even with their "research" know near to nothing about cryptocurrencies.

Кучку мошенников нужно было прям в зале арестовать!