Elon Musk says he is ‘almost done’ selling Tesla stock

Started by OZER, Dec 24, 2021, 08:53 PM

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The China market is in free fall great depression collapse.  It represents the greatest Asian economic collapse n the history of the world !!!  Get Out  !!!  Whilst you can !!!  Get Out NOW !!!   SELL SELL SELL  !!!

Housing is a thing. Its a necessity. Now: Lumber is a thing. Its a necessity.

The inflation, Afghanistan, forever Covid, supply chain issues, Ukraine, Iran again enriching uranium and more are attributable to the global chaos Trump unleashed.

Its rich that the theme  of this  is that the Fed&Gov. didnt cause this issue to be exasperated by the Pandemic & that the way to fight inflation is for more interference into the economy by the federal government. Its governments involvement in our economy that is helping drive all this inflation.

game stop stock was artificially deflated by hedge funds betting against it. that wasn't a meme, it was average people supporting a business they love and fighting back against wall street market fixers.

is this a hearing session or some sheeeetcoin shilling session??!!! they brought up some cryptostreet ceos junkies to explain crypto? WTH!!! this is absurd!

Co-pilot Anjani Kumar Singh  crash-landed Dhruv chopper in critical condition.

Dear US Govt:  Buy Bitcoin into the Treasury.  The new Gold Standard

43% of all the currency ever printed in US history was printed under Joe Biden with the last 1.5 years... Biden is a complete moron