Started by OZER, Dec 23, 2021, 08:17 PM

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It is estimated that over 40,000 to 300,000 people have made a massive one million dollars on Forex pending on the type of broker involved. For every investment to yield earnings a professional broker should be involved. Mrs Bonita Mollet is a professional broker who manages, handles and gives guidance on investments to get good profits.

All your  are amazing..Everytime i learn something new and its a great feeling..thanks a ton

Great for the draw

Amazing.  This will help with TA

your the batman of the stock market learn of knowledge thankqqq

Mr George Soros is the best , recommending him to all beginners who wants to recover losses like I did

cribed. love from India U r Gem..

hey mate how do you set your stop loss using your atr indicator and how do you know if it is in a low volatility are what should it be below

Freaking awesome! Thanks man. I might watch this a couple more times

Can u share which software you are using