Stock Market Rallies On Omicron Covid News; Micron, AMD, Tesla, Expedia Lead

Started by OZER, Dec 21, 2021, 10:32 PM

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real information rather than your study Every time  publishes a study, I just look at the title, pause the  and go thru the comments to find out why... no offence  but the comments section is full of actual

 world  Governmental debt and out of control money printingThis article is flawed inflation is caused in a large part by excessive money printing. They did not even mention this among the causes that have led to this wave of inflation. In fact there are multiple causes of inflation that are all made worse by the national

Tesla aint  just cars ~  Its gonna be a new World Order.   Think Space X.

Yes thay can end the fed    Go back to constitutional money   flation is theft And we all know the CPI is a lie come come on really when they use waiting hydonics is hydonics and other adjustments is other adjustments to manipulate the numbers to the downside if we calculated the numbers like they calculated Is when they started it would be more than 10% now

Criminal activities XD. Define criminal activities Mr monopoly of violence.

Bring back the dislike button! I bet its a great ratio on here!

Thanks to I got my  credit score fixed up,and I got the check of $7k delivered yesterday,you are the best to deal with.

So they basically only care about whether crypto challenges existing systems? How STUPID