The First Silver Miner Jumped ! 288% Up In a Year ?

Started by OZER, Dec 20, 2021, 10:54 PM

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Brilliant! You explain things really well! Cheers  Nige

Hi n - you've got a great attitude & teaching method. Really enjoy your s & they've helped my tech analysis a great deal. Thanks man - best of luck to your .   PS Stick 5 bucks in a jar every time you say itty-bitty.

Thanks man for the knoledge your sharing, you really are a guru in trading :)

Thank you so much for sharing this... You are a good man God bless u more

cribed..... Been trying to get in contact with you but I couldn't

fshore whenever  i was at work, i only see nothing but alerts ever since i was referred to her?

Thank you very much for the  which of course is very educative. Could you please suggest to me which chart software is appropriate to trade and forex?

Amazing , I love the simplicity not trying to complicate anything to look too good.