Tesla. Inc. 4 Hours Chart (LONG) - 01x0

Started by OZER, Dec 12, 2021, 01:00 AM

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Another great class. A million thumbs up :)

This is an awesome . You packed this perfectly and were very detailed and precise.  Thanks you!

Can you teach us about crypto tradings? They're too volatile, how can we trade well?

Hey  great  i am  a beginner and have started trading and am going through all your s and really appreciate your hard work in making and explaining the strategies that are really easy and understandable. God bless you.

I would have dodged a $1000 lesson had I found your channel. But an important lesson learned now rather than later. Appreciate you for spending the time and effort to provide these lessons for free. A shining beacon in the community.

I never comment on anything ever, But Thanks for what your doing already read your pdf downloads. Wish you all the success in eveything.

Thank you very much sir, well done.

you explained it  simple and clear, your  is the only one i found that was able to do that. thank you