Tesla. Inc. 4 Hours Chart (LONG) - 01x0

Started by OZER, Dec 12, 2021, 01:00 AM

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 is excellent. I learn something new with every

im very impresed of your real knowledge and humble you are.

I like when u say ..Hey here is the thing right lol .

Does bullish engulfing candles guarantee upward trend? Could it present itself on a downward trend? if so, how could you know if it's going upward or downward?

This is Bijo from India. As same as in my collage days, here also i came too late... But after watching a few episodes, I become a big fan of you!! Thanks for your great s and May god bless you!!

Hey!! So I'm being learning how to day trade for about 2 weeks and I came across your channel.....I literally made an account and subscribed for the first time and I've been using  since it started!!!!  Thank you for all your great content.....everyone else seems to be doing this for the money,  but you seem like you honestly just want to help and teach others.  I appreciate you and hope to learn more

How can I buy you lunch? I'm serious