BBC Bitcoin mining report used in crypto-scam

Started by OZER, Dec 20, 2021, 12:56 AM

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Interesting that few commentators talk about the recent record growth in the money supply. For these folks its as if the price level is somehow independent of the quantity of money.

l and dividend balance of 4.05% average. Keep up the great work.establishes and confirms everything I have learned. I am now managing my own portfolio and am loving it. I am still a beginner so operate with due diligence and caution.  I know markets are good right now but I am pleased to say that I'm running today at 9.67 pI LEARN SO MUCH FROM YOU GUYS. Thank you SO much!, I knew NOTHING about investing myself beginning 2021. I'm older than your pa. LOL  I took your academy course in March and haven't looked back. Everything you and your dad are presenting is very Interesting and it confirms what I've learned and am doing. Your s and teaching supports

What changed in 3 days. Now your saying the economy is great. Lmfao  State ran media.... its funny how after meeting with bidens white house and they told you to stop talking negative about the economy.  We know the Economy is crashing. How do we know? We see it in everyday life. Unlike you guys we actually live in the real world trying to get by.  While the rich can sit back.

7:56 Ah hints of the psychopathic economic view that unemployment is desired. That it's a policy tool to control inflation.

How a globalist thinks: now all you poor folks live in the city we have control over you. It's not like an ordinary middle class family can afford to buy enough land and equipment about $1 million worth and continue as normal  without the Globalist economy. After $1million on equipment you need a million or 2 for land then you get to pay the government your 'licence to work' then you can plant and irrigate your own farm. My rural property increased in value by 10 fold in 10 years.

President's pay goes DOWN in the US.  AI is a viable, looming threat and this is not a conspiracy theory.  It's already doing stock trades faster than any human has a chance to.14:47 - The trades are such a field that is being neglected.  1 year and an apprenticeship can get you a $100k job.  I am not kidding and have met some earning more than that annually.  The day a computer is smarter than a CEO in predicting any consumer market is the day the modern CEO

Inflation is running out of control - sad to say

Nature may abhour a vaccum, but the human world loves bubbles.

In the past when inflation would rise the feds would raise interest rates. Why don't the feds raise interest rates? Could it be the feds don't want to pay more interest on 29trillion of debt? The feds have dug a hole they can't climb out of. Now the people are stuck paying higher prices.