Stock futures fall slightly in overnight trading ahead of holiday-shortened week

Started by OZER, Dec 20, 2021, 12:53 AM

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The higher the Gini coefficient the worse the impact of inflation. Rich people aren't really going to spend extra on essentials but they will do it for things that make more money which are things that they can control supply.

All of Ms. Dixon's answers were disappointing and not to the point.

Wow, sincerely impressed with the level of depth so eloquently explained here! AND even more impressed by the lawmakers willingness to keep open minds and finally ask intelligent questions on the matter of crypto, a marked shift in attitude for the better of everyones future!

The fact that these bubbles kept on inflating during Covid tells you all you need to know, the Fed is the US economy at this point.

I'm from Ukraine but so happy to see US regulators attitude and ceos delivery, 5 hours of smooth enjoyment!

Lucid and Rivian are bubbles which will pop soon in a year or two

What about loosing a huge percentage with every transaction? Conversion rates are high. Individuals that they claim to help are paying the most while companies are getting rich with every transaction.

We had a great deflation in 2008, so we understand the effects of money printing