Forex Today: Central banks’ marathon coming to an end

Started by OZER, Dec 20, 2021, 12:45 AM

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Yes. By shifting the attention to China and Russia, Biden can easily downplay the inflation issue.

Real easy. The public just needs to really cut back on frivolous spending. Just for one month. Stay home. Dont drive anywhere not needed. Dont buy anything. Even buy less food.  month of that the  The big corps will start dropping prices back to normal

Oh, I thought we were being told that inflation is a good thing now?

Yes finally someone is mentioning the qualifications creep. Inflation is also in a way in the cost of getting a job. whie automation might generate more jobs #doubt its also killing all the low paying low skilled jobs that you can get with less education, the new jobs will require higher education which require more money, meaning the cost of getting a job is increased tremendously. This will badly affect the social mobility and deepen the class divides.

Want to stop inflation? Simple: just stop printing.

The giant Ponzi scheme is finally starting to collapse.

I don't like this, everytime the government put its nose in something it always because more pricey and complicated.

No they want us to have no choice but buy stocks n inflate there assets cuz we got not choice

6:02 Just like raising the minimum wage to some absurd amount of money

The next bubble to go is Chinese Real Estate.

Worst piece I have ever seen. Terrible work. Retire

This isn't inflation!!!! This is called CAPITALISM!!!!!!! Because of the pandemic created a low supply,  the demand stayed constant pushing prices up.  Supply and demand.  CAPITALISM.   Theses news groups are trying to trick us and change the narrative.