$AAPL bounce in a bullish move

Started by OZER, Dec 17, 2021, 10:52 PM

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Thank you ...i always watching your s..im from PHILIPPINES..

I`m so grateful to you for the generous giving of your extensive knowledge! Thank you! Curious what trading platform you are using? Again thank you!

i am unsure what 1 atr is when youre talking about setting stop losses because the camera was covering the atr indicator when you were talking about it, but i assume it'll be mentioned again in some other   thank you for all the information

Dude, you can light a candle on the grave of your trading!

Can you really trust 4 hr charts that much? Thanks for your s, Ive learned a lot from you.

Do you have a  that goes over searching for a stock to trade with his method? So initially expand the search to see a trend and if you see something that matches your requirements then zoom in to the one day one minute and then search for candlesticks to find an entry point in an area of value?

Appreciate your work. Very useful.

Just cribed. Loads of content here.

What software are you using? and do you have any s on how to use it?  I find your content really useful, thank you so much :)