🔥 CAKE: Is The Dump Finally Over?

Started by OZER, Dec 17, 2021, 10:46 PM

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WOW. what an explanation. So glad I watched this . Time well spent and learnt a lot from you. Thank you so much for sharing such great information.

i am unsure what 1 atr is when youre talking about setting stop losses because the camera was covering the atr indicator when you were talking about it, but i assume it'll be mentioned again in some other   thank you for all the information

No mention of RSI? Perhaps the most useful indicator.

Where can I get charting software and any suggestions on who to use. Want to trade options in us market.

I thought its the buyers who do the price rejection. Sellers don't push the price down, buyers do.

duration should I see the chart for analysis when I want to earn in certain short duration say 1 hour?Thanks a lot .Awesome tuturial.  Pls advise what period


Hello, I'm new to forex trade And have been making huge losses but I recently see a lot of people earning from it. Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong

I don't understand WHY the market is expected to make a big move after a low vola period... what is the hypothesis here??

Great ! You sound a lot like Adam Khoo btw!