Adobe, Cloudflare lead plunge in cloud stocks after JPMorgan issues wave of down

Started by OZER, Dec 14, 2021, 11:45 PM

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No. 1. It's by design 2. The Petro Dollar is over, u guys won't wake up.

How the heck is housing not in that thumbnail. Or united states debt.

5:50 This guy has no clue about Bitcoin, period. It is ok, but they need to read more about it before sharing opinions in this manner. Btw, I do not think Bitcoin is the best asset. Nevertheless saying Bitcoin does not have fundamuntal value is incorrect.

<<There's no doubt in my mind that we are not only going bull, but BTC is going nuclear. A lot of people are wondering  newbies who lack understanding on how trading Bitcoin works, to help them recover loss from the crash and also accumulate more bitcoin, with his program i went from having 3.8BTC to 12.8BTC in just 5 weeks.<You can reach him on TE LE GRAM >>>> @LeonCalvintrade.if now is a good time to buy because of where the price is at right now. I'd say it's outrightly wrong to just sit back hodl and wait maybe incur some losses along the line, that's a wrong mindset for an investor because as an investor finding ways to always increase and stack up more coins thereby making profiTs should be the way of lifeThat being said, the market is still all about BTC at the moment and I'll advise current investors and newbies to take advantage of Leon Calvin program, a pro trader who runs a training program for investors

Don't worry the real bubble isn't going to pop until 2033...Stay overleveraged and take advantage of these low rates.

yr50 should lvl out b4 we make another run. Housing is also related to money printing, if you put 50% more money in the hands of the public obviously house prices will adjust to that... this ones just not in a bubble at all, will likily keep rising 5-10%so if gme went from 2 bucks to over 300 i have no problem with a 50% correction, it is in fact not in a bubble as its shorted 120% again (yes its not worth the current price but the shorts will have to cover)... id rather make a 200% gain and watch it lose 50% than a 30% gain on the year. btc movement is directly related to the dilution of currencies globally, it's been overleveraged by longs and the recent correction was those folks getting liquidated, once its closer to 50

Yeah, raise interest rates by .25% every 6 months until you reach 2%, then stop! The reason raising rates screws up the economy is that they go too fast. Give those Fed governors each a lollypop and tell them to chill. 3% is too high and it will accelerate economic decline.  Productivity has increased per actual human man hours. If you go by dollars per productivity, it will be wrong every time. Union busting has contributed to income inequality. The Fed always overreacts in either direction. They actually cause instability.

Thanks you American and Eropean to build China MONEY for Military, so China have STROOONG WEAPON  now for WAR.

<<<<<Stick with ETH, SHIBA, DOGE and BTC as much as you can guys, just remember where it's going and don't be put off by short term fluctuations and don't facilitate this dream into becoming a nightmare. Bitcoin has seen some incredible strength throughout the past couple of days, with the confluence of a strong market structure and an undercurrent of positive developments both helping to drive it higher. This strength has led it to $64k plus   which is proving to be a crucial resistance level for the cryptocurrency. Bulls have been attempting to surmount this level for weeks now, but each break above this level has been met with significant selling pressure that slows its ascent, with the price of crypto assets picking up the pace accumulating and stacking up more coins in your portfolio should be your first priority as an investor, DCA is good but quite expensive which is why I prefer trading my assets and accumulating my profits. I'm not an expert trader what I do is I copy the trade signals of Mr. Brandon Traister and implement them in my own trades, Mr. Brandon Traister is an expert trader and his trade signals has a high accuracy ratio because I was only able to make 11btc with signals provided by Brandon Traister. Brandon Traister can reach him Telegram @brandontraister   What'sapp447418362983

It could have been, but JFK was targeted by the banking industry