HSBC to Settle Forex Transactions Using Blockchain

Started by OZER, Dec 14, 2021, 11:39 PM

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Only suckers will believe Feds.   Put all money into Bitcoin.... Feds are high on drugs.

Does anyone know of any very rich economists?  True experts would be among the 1% and not on government pay.

The inflation, Afghanistan, forever Covid, supply chain issues, Ukraine, Iran again enriching uranium and more are attributable to the global chaos Trump unleashed.

Bitcoin is sucking the wealth of America into its Vaccume like a boss.

President's pay goes DOWN in the US.  AI is a viable, looming threat and this is not a conspiracy theory.  It's already doing stock trades faster than any human has a chance to.14:47 - The trades are such a field that is being neglected.  1 year and an apprenticeship can get you a $100k job.  I am not kidding and have met some earning more than that annually.  The day a computer is smarter than a CEO in predicting any consumer market is the day the modern CEO

 current topics are blockchain, artificial intelligence or quantum computer, we have people who lead us and who hardly use a webcam or a common microphone. the future looks good. by the way, let's take a look at the dialogue that all the participants in the meeting had and this Sherman, oh God, the least informed but the worst attitude.

Thanks to I got my  credit score fixed up,and I got the check of $7k delivered yesterday,you are the best to deal with.

Not by extending debt another 2 trillion .....

LOL Alma Adams, how many black empowered women work for your company, Jesus can we get serious.

4 of US gdp and poured it into the economy.  It can be stopped, just raise the key rate (yes the market which is already full of bubbles would go down and its a no-no for grandpa) and withdraw money from circulation by issuing some kind of good value gov futuresBro your interest on the loan minus inflation was around neutral but now is far negative, the gov printed like 1

Well Its not really 6%. Inflation on Gas and Food are more than 6% and those are the things that most people need.

Lets not blame government printing money .