Rise on EURUSD

Started by OZER, Dec 13, 2021, 11:00 PM

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nice . OMG. thanks of Brazil

One of the best candle stick strategy s made to help others to grow with strategy

All you need to be added to the giveaway is make sure your cribed and then leave a comment to say youve cribed. Good luck to everyone

I love your content man you are amazing just keep it up and we will support u my man

resistance! Thank you for sharing you knowledge!Thank you so much!!! I Just started trading and thanks to you I am making some money! Thank you!  You are N1! I've seen other traders on  trying to make indicators look like fortune  telling machine...but make no sense in real charts. My favorite is the head & shoulder pattern, you explain it so wells in details and it works!  Understanding areas of value, support

I dont understand how to trade on a double top chart. Isnt it just going to go down?

You are a billionaire

I'm Somaliland student

Is there any particular reason you decided to chose that 1min supply zone because, i saw multiple others that were also valid zones but only yours worked, any reasoning behind this? much appreciated

This guy is amazing

Great advice man, as usual which altcoins?