FOREX-Dollar slips after U.S. inflation data

Started by OZER, Dec 12, 2021, 04:37 PM

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more to the point can the criminal banks be stopped

more to the point can the criminal banks be stopped

Inflation is devaluation of the currency, which, because of massive debt and the continual printing of dollars, I believe will continue until we have an economic collapse.

No way they can stop if they try to the economy will deflate to a point where the government will for sure go bankrupt causing famine etc , fundamentally there are 2 problems reducing demographic growth and aging population which is going to devastate the debt burdened economy into a deflationary spiral at one point but for now hyperinflation is the problem .

Inflation was always there, it was just hidden with low cost goods.  Try comparing a Lawnmower from the 70s that was proudly made in America to one that is created today made cheaply in China. The older Lawn mower is built to last where as the one made today would break in a couple of years (by design so customer has to buy a new one).  This is how China has become a super power because to hide inflation the super rich in democratic countries in the world, outsourced labor to China to make cheaper goods.  It is all so the super rich dont have to pay much for workers.  Keep goods and services cost low, keep pay low, keep taxes low. If anything disrupts this mantra, it would result in less money for the super rich.  Now that China has become so powerful that they can now start charging more for their goods, it means the super rich of the democratic countries that used China for cheap labor has no choice but to pass the cost on to their working class.  Its also the reason for the trade war with China, and moving cheap labor to South East Asia, war torn countries like Pakistan, or slave like labor (Blood Diamond like operations) in Africa.     Inflation exists because of greed.  Greed is not going anywhere.

Raising taxes, fees, interest rates and turning off the money printer. Just a few things from the top of my head.

first time? here in argentina we have 52% we had like 2000% inflation accumulated in 20 years

socialist has worked out for them. Keep voting for the democrat party and we will all enjoy the equality of poverty.socialist economic policies always fail,and only lead to the collapse of a nations economy. Just ask the people of Venezuela how voting for liberalsWhy are people surprised inflation is rising? History has proven time and time again that liberal

The higher the Gini coefficient the worse the impact of inflation. Rich people aren't really going to spend extra on essentials but they will do it for things that make more money which are things that they can control supply.

Easy take $17t in wealth tax and tax evasion, and pay back fed. This removes $17t from economy and from those who either need it nor allocate it well.

None will pop!! None!! BTC should drop tomorrow at 8:30 AM that will be the bottom!!  Housing is not over leveraged! only the wealthy are buying! My  Tesla plaid X in on order for July 2022 lol!  The United states needs crypto or its  death for innovation and growth of its citizens.

6:00 You know what? Investors bet their money on the future of the investment.  I won't invest in a company because it's big now, I'll invest in it because it'll be bigger in the future.

It took Biden less then a year to destroy our economy.