Bitcoin mining has totally recovered from Chinese ban

Started by OZER, Dec 12, 2021, 04:29 PM

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*short - NO, LONG - yes, but again - no, cuz to stop inflation FED should have risen interest rates, but FED lost it & stalling time, cuz any interest rates hikes means your mortgage will double&  trulipple. Then bankruptcies. So FED will keep high Inflation and people will get poor. Other side is bankruptcy. No good options, cuz printing money costs, now US citizens will pay the price.*

No govt in the world can control inflation permanently unless they design people friendly policy prioritising public welfare instead of indulging too much on corporate giants as has been doing since decades. Unfortunately, all global leaders (so called) have turned themselves into slave  (may be puppet) of business magnets which is due to lack of statesmanship in their character. Needless to say that the benefits (legal and financial) offered to corporate houses as compared to common people in most of the countries shows incapability of policymakers to nullify social and economic disparity. At the end, the emphasis developed nations are giving in arms trade to generate revenue and security from other nations will put them under unmanageable socioeconomic disaster unless they change their mindset towards real wellbeing of common mass who elected them imposing tightest possible restrictions and vigilance on all corporate bodies.

How to get views 101, say Tesla stock is a bubble.

7:45 The Phillips Curve trend line is deeply problematic. Just look at the actual underlying data points: all data points at 2.5% unemployment demonstrate resulting inflation hovering around 1% inflation.

FED has been asleep, or deliberate sabotage is happening with money printer ( benefit the rich, at expense of poor). Stagflation is the next stop... especially under the "leadership" of the current administration

inflation is a function of capitalism...not like anyone can stop capitalism.  Capitalism is a house of can't do anything to stop it without it collapsing.

This is bs. Leave crypto alone. These people are all interested in there own benefit.

Mr brooks was definitely needed person in clarity and was instrumental for this hearing

"Need a degree" ha! If I can show I can do the job I expect that job. Not someone who needs a class to be inspired to learn the job.

Getting fuel prices back down would help tremendously to lower inflation on goods that are trucked around the country. Dealing with port congestion would also have a tremendous impact. The biggest cause of inflation, however, is the fact that the Fed added 35.7% to the USA money supply in just a year and a half. When you dilute the dollar by that much how can you NOT have inflation? That was a huge gift to Wall Street investors, of course, including our politicians in both parties. (Just look at the growth in the S&P 500 since that money printing started.) But for everyone else it means that their wages and their savings now have less buying power. Our government no longer represents we the people - neither party. Instead they represent the billionaires and corporations who fund their campaigns. This includes the wolves in sheep's clothing who feign outrage against the corporations and the rich. All you have to do is follow the money.

according to  anything that's going up is in a bubble