The search is on for $50m in lost cryptocurrency after two Australian exchanges

Started by OZER, Dec 12, 2021, 04:26 PM

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Wow this is one of the worst s on economics i've ever seen. Almost everyone talking sounded like a complete idiot, and the  is filled with non-sequiturs. Terrible voiceover lines that make no sense as well. Does  now purposely produce actual garbage?

Venturing into the trading world without the help of a professional trader and expecting profits is like turning water into wine, you would need a miracle, that's why i trade with Melinda Dixon, her skills set is exceptional..

If they try to fix inflation the economy crashes, if they let inflation go, the economy crashes, they are stuck in a box with no way out

To be clear the Federal Reserve is not federal and has no reserve. They are only here to rob the american people of the value they have created.

Stop f***ing printing money. The more money is printed, the less valuable the money in circulation is going to be resulting in Inflation. Classic examples are Venezuela, Zimbabwe.

Another  with a higher dislike to like ratio. This one has also been masked. Pravda comrade!

How the heck is housing not in that thumbnail. Or united states debt.

How is it that CEO's can keep sending their own pay to the moon isn't brought up when talking of price increases, but paying a living wage to employees will cause inflation and the end of the economy?