With latest sale, Elon Musk has sold nearly $12 billion of Tesla stock in past m

Started by OZER, Dec 12, 2021, 04:24 PM

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The US Federal Reserve on stopping inflation: "Wish I could, but I can't. Well, can, but won't. Should, maybe, but shorn't... What part of shorn't don't you understand??"

bitcoin been popping ever since $1! and all the smart fund managers missed it out!

Inflation? Really?   Why are Treasury rates dropping? Why are they basically nailed to the floor? Why does one famous historian say interest rates are at a 5000-year-low? Low rates mean abundant credit for viable businesses. That means employment and rising wages. Those are all good things.  Americans have so much stuff jammed into their McMansions they have to hire people to haul it away before they buy more stuff. We throw away more food than other countries eat. If your lifestyle is cramped by un-preventable economic cycles, it's because of your unrealistic expectations.

We dont want to stop inflation tho. Deflation is much worse then a bit extra inflation

The hyperinflation created by the FED is maximizing employment, because working people can't afford to retire now and retirees are having to go back to work in order to survive.

hahaha im going to buy everything they mentioned here. retail is not stupid

What changed in 3 days. Now your saying the economy is great. Lmfao  State ran media.... its funny how after meeting with bidens white house and they told you to stop talking negative about the economy.  We know the Economy is crashing. How do we know? We see it in everyday life. Unlike you guys we actually live in the real world trying to get by.  While the rich can sit back.

Investing has never been so mainstream, the money has to go somewhere right?

งานทางทหาร มันทำไห้คนที่ดู อารมณ์ เสียfrom military work It makes people who look at them upset. ความเชื่อมั้นของพวกคุณ?

6:00 You know what? Investors bet their money on the future of the investment.  I won't invest in a company because it's big now, I'll invest in it because it'll be bigger in the future.