The biggest rally in the US dollar since 2020

Started by OZER, Sep 14, 2022, 04:17 PM

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For 585 LUNA I have received 0,003 LUNA 2.0.  Amazing!!!  I am soo happy.  I hope less people to spend money in crypto and all of them to go down as LUNA. This was the best scam ever. GG Do Kwon.

This channel is owned by the Federal Reserve Bankster Family Cartel that has been robbing us sense 1913  Duh!!!!    And funds all wars, both sides fools!!!

Hey man, I just wanted to say that I really love your threads. You provide great content while not using asinine methods like click-bait titles like Jake Tran does. I wish you success in all your endeavors.

Investment are stepping stone to SUCCESS, investing is what creates you wealth and wealth brings you assets. and assets buys you Freedom. Do you want to double your income by investing in the bitcoin crypto currency today its very fast way to earn extra income right from your phonebr I came here to learn how to trade after listening to a guy on radio talk about the importance of investing and how he made $460,000 in 4 months from $160k. Somehow this thread has helped shed light on some things, but I#39m confused, I#39m a newbie and I#39m open to ideas.....

The end of the dollar could be near. Too much chaos going on in the world, and there's no telling what we're going to experience in this new year coming up.

Yes. Stop to freaking print more dollars

Uninspired CIA loser who is the product of Jewish nepotism. I don't care what   has to say.

Mr Emmer what is the price discovery of gold and silver? XD and all other finances 1.0 if you print money and give it to the bancs that has the assets!!

My life has totally changed since I started an investment of $10,300 and now earning over $57,000

That#39s like going to you#39re local bank and them giving you 20% APR on your savings account. People who fell for any of these crypto staking scams deserve to lose it all. Nobody is giving out 15% annually without being a ponzi scheme. Go buy $SPY folks.

stop printing dollars, stop stimulus checks, shop lifting debts, stop democratic bills, but nothing gonna happen. Only let's go Brandon....

Never believed in such projects. But sadly most crypto projects are time bombs.

nobody even noticed that whole thing is a Ponzi scheme.  I am sure the campaign fund balances went way up.

Why would you cut 10% of your staff if you have a problem supplying all your demand?