The biggest rally in the US dollar since 2020

Started by OZER, Sep 14, 2022, 04:17 PM

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Anyone not a Media Moron actually following the full spectrum of the world knows this all about to fall everywhere, right down to famines, overthrows, and complete chaos from the TRUTH of the planets cycle with the sun and magnetosphere, that your authorities have lied about for fifty years now. Hiding the crop losses due to FREEZES, not HEAT. The crust destabilizing and UV causing water shortages with the temp zone grow zone changes INHERENT IN THE CYCLE you lied about trying to blame and shame and guilt people over.. while its all about lying profiting and power grabbing to stay on top when it all collapses.

I had 0.5 LUNA before the crash which was worth about $50 at the time. Now I have 100,000 LUNA worth around $10.

How do you buy crypto without a bank account?

They have no business regulating risk who the hell do they think they are?

Inflation is a tax on consumers that doesnt require a vote in Congress.

Damn all those old people will never try to understand crypto. Need to pass term limits to keep old people out and fresh minds in.

Yes. Raise interest rates and stop the fed from printing money


This was one of the dumbest s I've ever seen. Not once did they mention the massive amounts of money added in circulation the past year.

Answer:  no.  Inflation 7%  once it starts and gains speed it cannot be slowed or stopped and could run for 6 - 8 years.

It doesnt work like that, inflation isnt as crazy as they make it seem this is propaganda