The biggest rally in the US dollar since 2020

Started by OZER, Sep 14, 2022, 04:17 PM

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It is not desirable for inflation to be stopped, or even slowed too much. The Central Bank's power are less and less as economies get bigger and bigger.  And despite what we are told there is a disconnect between government fiscal policy and the policy of the Central Banks.  CP is a poor metric, but one we have used for decades.

I do agree we should be more careful on our investments, but c#39mon... Only invest with the money you can afford... Why go all in if you got 450k USD... That#39s just blindly foolish... So my point is... It#39s your risk... I didn#39t go with Luna due to their poor platform on Terra.... So i don#39t get how people could invest in just hype..

I wonder what entity has the finances and motivation to crash crypto so they can regulate it and get money from it, certainly the government would never do this right?

Do kwon is a typical rich entitled momma boy which is common here in Korea. Now FSS is investigating whether he got govt startup grants via nepotism. Shows no public remorse for people affected

I wont use this and  as evidence and tell yourself that you are worried Bitcoin and Tesla will crash. Be safe in everything you do but I would call this irrational fear. The entire US government and US dollar is based of loans and debt. You give and you take. Buy Bitcoin. Buy Tesla. Take what you want. But never forget to give back. If you take. You have to give. People should be more concerned about what they are going to do with all this fast cash in order to help people other people survive. There are 8 billion people on this planet. 10% and I would suggest more are starving to their deaths. That is what we should be talking about. Repaying our debts. Giving back. I hate to burst your bubble. A bubble burst is the least of my concerns.

20% gains from nothing? Sounds like the hedge just expedited the process

Pretty dishonest reporting when you state that a stock's dip is based on its high while showing a chart that shows it's value trading way higher year on year. Maybe get rid of the graph to help you seem more credible.

I had 0.5 LUNA before the crash which was worth about $50 at the time. Now I have 100,000 LUNA worth around $10.

35% of all US dollars in existence were printed last year. So of course, interest is the result.  How could it be transitory? Unless people start burning their own money, we can't go back to a world where there was less US dollars in circulation, making each dollar worth less.  Plus, did you know for every dollar we print, we buy with interest from the Federal Bank, which is just as Federal as Federal Express?  Why do we continue to allow this to occur? We need to remove this leech from the USA and get back to being in control of issuing our own money

Food and Energy prices seem to affect more Citizens than the other effects..... The FED seems to overlook a lot of citizens when they review prices....

Theres something about watching 100 year olds talk about crypto is funny to me.

Nope not when we keep printing all this $