The biggest rally in the US dollar since 2020

Started by OZER, Sep 14, 2022, 04:17 PM

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There is only a bubble if you see a bubble I see pure money. To the moon

Nature may abhour a vaccum, but the human world loves bubbles.

These regulators don't stand for Americans they refuse to

This would be a perfect time for Satoshi Nakamoto to show up.

would be curious to see what decisions an AI based system, free from political bias, would make at each of these inflection points.  perhaps someone is already running an AI-based model in parallel with the current one.  would be nice if  would feature these results along side the decisions made by the established institutions.  realistically, monetary policy and interest rates eventually need to be managed by an AI system as this kind of 'thinking' is right up their alley.  the system could be managed by a bipartisan (or tripartisan, if there's ever a third party) committee.  rule or target updates would occur on a schedule that is deemed practical or pragmatic by all parties.

They don't care about stock price and that's a great thing. They know their company is a behemoth in the making.

14:47 - The trades are such a field that is being neglected.  1 year and an apprenticeship can get you a $100k job.  I am not kidding and have met some earning more than that annually.  The day a computer is smarter than a CEO in predicting any consumer market is the day the modern CEO/President's pay goes DOWN in the US.  AI is a viable, looming threat and this is not a conspiracy theory.  It's already doing stock trades faster than any human has a chance to.

I think the point is US citizens are sick of the laws and regulations that makes business and growth overly complicated and down right not worth the investment in emerging technology. The US government is killing the ability for the USA to compete in the world market with over regulation.

So your money will fluctuate in value like a stock?

Stop increasing money supply to stop inflation. Econ 101

he doesnt look at the stock price. oh man, thats a terrible thing to say. why did he buy shares then if the CEO doesnt care?

Housing is a thing. Its a necessity. Now: Lumber is a thing. Its a necessity.

4 of one percent for saving acct.'s & only 1.25% fot 5 yr. CD's!  Yes, mortgage interest was 17%, but houses sold for $40k & there were ways around paying that,  e.g.take over mortgages, purchase money mortgages, etc. I bought two houses then, that way!I'm 75 & will someone please explain why when we had high inflation in 1981, the banks were paying 12% to as much as 18% for 5 yr. CD's! Now, with ever spiraling inflation, we are getting an absurdly low .25% or 1

I wouldnt be scared IF the a rich werent getting Richer and Mostly with so much Stimi ‍️‍️ we do need to be Cautious The Rich can Manipulate anything with Money. Sadly Money Is Power