The biggest rally in the US dollar since 2020

Started by OZER, Sep 14, 2022, 04:17 PM

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Dixon seems not ready for prime time. Missed several opportunities to hit home runs and instead grounds out. I suggest she practice more or they get someone in who excells at communication. With what is at stack now we cannot have amateurs representing us. I give Dixon a partisapation award

You print more money, you will have inflation. Anything apar is an outlier not a reality

President's pay goes DOWN in the US.  AI is a viable, looming threat and this is not a conspiracy theory.  It's already doing stock trades faster than any human has a chance to.14:47 - The trades are such a field that is being neglected.  1 year and an apprenticeship can get you a $100k job.  I am not kidding and have met some earning more than that annually.  The day a computer is smarter than a CEO in predicting any consumer market is the day the modern CEO

Here you can see how last generation can not engage with new generation, and usually next generation goes on.

Depending on China for goods & wasting 2 trillion dollars on a war is how we got here.

That first 5 minutes is the longest time I ever listened to Maxine Waters without having to facepalm.

Where the f they at the scenery looks beautiful

Essentially a stable coin Ponzi scheme.

the stable coin of iron finance was not algorithmic but overcollateralized...just lost peg at one point but re-pegged quickly

Только херни не делайте

Yes of course, what goes up comes down, but in this case not in a good way. Deflation is FED's nightmare.

This is why these legacy companies and mainstream media are dying because you cannot adapt not even you way of thinking, of course companies have the potential to make more money and are valued more theres more money in the system something that happens all the time throughout history.