The biggest rally in the US dollar since 2020

Started by OZER, Sep 14, 2022, 04:17 PM

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If the money crashed, where did it go? There had to be someone to benefit from it after all.

It would be better to ask someone who doesn't make a living off of clients invested in stocks.  These FIA's and capital managers are pretty scared right now.

Inflation is inevitable. What you can do is print money faster than inflation

Though the help of ️ I was able to add $5,000 to my bitcoin wallet for me to start business. Guys here in Australia mask have really been good to us all

Can't wait to see an episode on the crash of Bitcoin.

Of course it can because the inflation like the supply chain issues are artificial methods of control.  We have a system that doesn't work, requires cash to prop it up,  and have an elite that has grown fatter on it.  The question really is will the population tolerate it anymore

Good thing I#39m not investing in digital money yet.

All insider selling..  must be blind and no one in that company believe in his vision. lol

Got out on time... how#39s that for luck.... Started having doubts once his tweets and replies became rather nasty.

Lmao quotstable coinquot not very stable now is it! Everyone says savings account are terrible and money is being lost by inflation. Well guess what i still have my money because its government insured its not going to blow up into nowhere because its federal LOL

Yall talk about bubbles but dont realize we have the lowest interests rates and a literal increase in the global supply of money. Value has changed and so assets appear inflated when in reality their value is simply adjusting to the reduction of the dollars value.

Now the US wants to play chicken with China. The only country more powerful than the US both in military and economic might. They definitely won't have the support of Europe.

the CPI isn't tracking energy and food since the early 80s ... inflation is like 15-20% in real terms ... #buybtc