The biggest rally in the US dollar since 2020

Started by OZER, Sep 14, 2022, 04:17 PM

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2. DOJ Garland is afraid of what might happen to himself

People like him should be prosecuted, brought to justice and let them feel what others have gone thru, they can not be left at large to scam again, wonder how many people have actually ended in hospitals, lost their lives or about to. the whales out there should look for him ..

only put in what you are prepared to lose..

So why is Bitcoin worh so much? Because they aren't making anymote of it unlike crooked banks and govts

Everyone has a bad feeling on Elon Musk.

bingo at 11:00 minutes, hmm we need to strengthen the workforce in America, too much power to various companies and employers who export American job labor and now are anti-union. If the minimum wage had matched inflation from 1968 we would be looking at 2021 rate of $25 per hour to allow persons in America, to afford to save for homes, rent cheap, save for emergencies and generate wealth for all Americans but with the minimum at $7.25, we have a poverty wage and over 40%of the American workforce is living pay check to paycheck, millions fell into poverty in 2020 pandemic. The freakin child tax credit literally lifted some 20 million-plus children out of food insecurity.  Too many hedge funds and private equity firms driving up housing, rentals across America in all 50 states, and we are about to remove 455,000 truck drivers off the roads in less than 10 years with automated trucks, is one another example of millions of families being affected with job changes and the economic change of America in the 21st century.

At least Sherman called out con-base ha ha.