The biggest rally in the US dollar since 2020

Started by OZER, Sep 14, 2022, 04:17 PM

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They have enough authority as it is they should not be controlling us like this

bingo at 11:00 minutes, hmm we need to strengthen the workforce in America, too much power to various companies and employers who export American job labor and now are anti-union. If the minimum wage had matched inflation from 1968 we would be looking at 2021 rate of $25 per hour to allow persons in America, to afford to save for homes, rent cheap, save for emergencies and generate wealth for all Americans but with the minimum at $7.25, we have a poverty wage and over 40%of the American workforce is living pay check to paycheck, millions fell into poverty in 2020 pandemic. The freakin child tax credit literally lifted some 20 million-plus children out of food insecurity.  Too many hedge funds and private equity firms driving up housing, rentals across America in all 50 states, and we are about to remove 455,000 truck drivers off the roads in less than 10 years with automated trucks, is one another example of millions of families being affected with job changes and the economic change of America in the 21st century.

I feel terrible for ppl that got screwed by this event. I#39m one of the lucky ones, Luna was once my biggest holding and I sold it all between 75-100$. As for algoritmic stable coins, I will be staying far away from now on.

Can somebody please........explain to me........why some Board Members keep conveniently waiting to "reclaim their time back" on my man Mr. Alliare when he droppin some knowledge!!?!  Every time he gives a solid rebuttal to one of their concerns they wanna cut him off! I'd be sick yo, they betta let that man speak

I'm seeing a lot of people using Teslas for Uber lately.  Not sure what the logic is in buying a $100k car and then getting paid less than minimum wage to shuttle drunks around all night and cleaning up their puke off the seats in the morning.  Personally if you need the money I would sell the car and not drive Uber but hey, it's your life.

Yes. You can put "an entire law library into a chip of big data."   How is this person  allowed to speak into a camera or talk on any subject.

They have no business regulating risk who the hell do they think they are?

No point investing in Luna, people BEFORE the CRASH got screwed. People AFTER the CRASH got screwed. Why would anyone invest in Luna 2.0? Seems there#39s very little chance to win anything especially for someone like me who is a hodler

anyone have a link to a non ad version? 2 20 second ads every 5 min...expect nothing better from

Elon isn't taking about his stock or profits, he's talking about the potential fall of the 2 biggest economies in the world and the worst is NOT here yet

His vague explanation of how he's "doing so much" without ever giving specific details reminds me of an elementary school kid telling his teacher the dog ate the homework, "but it was the best essay ever I swear".   Sure it was , everything smells like BS because it's all BS.

Bitcoin is the best way against inflation